On This Date — January 19, 1883

January 19, 2017
Thomas Edison

On This date, January 19, 1883 the first electric lighting system, built by Thomas Edison and using overhead wires, lights up the night in Roselle, New Jersey. Tony Long, in his article titled “Jan. 19, 1883: Let There Be Light” described the event:

“Roselle, New Jersey, earns its place in tech history when the first electric lighting system employing overhead wires goes into service. The system was built by Thomas Edison as part of an experiment to prove that an entire community could be lit by electricity from a shared, central generating station. A steam-driven generator sent the juice through the wires strung overhead to a store, the town’s railway depot, 40 or so houses and 150 streetlights. The First Presbyterian Church of Roselle made electrical and ecclesiastical history three months later when it installed a 30-bulb “electrolier” and became the world’s first church to be lighted by electricity.”
(Jan. 19, 1883: Let There Be Light, Tony Long, January 19, 2011, wired.com)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:1-5


Epiphany is a season of light – and it begins with a light from above guiding astrologers or “Magi” to the birth site of the king of kings – Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem. The light they followed must have been an extraordinary light, a light that must have lit the entire sky. Such was the brilliance of the light, they viewed it as a sign from the heavens – a sign from the gods. There is no other reason these “kings” would travel such a distance unless the event was beyond amazing.

The lights strung by Edison in New Jersey must have sparked a similar amazement among the people of Roselle. Imagine living at a time when the time after sundown meant a deep darkness – the kind of darkness you can only experience in the deep wilderness today. Having electric lights changed how people lived – for light had come into the world to break the darkness – just as Jesus had come into the world to break the darkness of sin, death and the devil. Every time you look at a light, or a lit candle, remember Jesus – the Son of G-d who came into the world to be the light of the world. And then, let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works that glorify G-d.

Pastor Dave